Monday, August 17, 2009

Nightshade-Free Chili

Since tomatoes and peppers rank high on my list of foods to avoid, I created a nightshade-free chili that my whole family will eat. In fact, given a choice my daughter chooses 'orange chili' over red. I call it curried chili. If you know anyone that suffers from arthritis, this is a good solution - as nightshades are known to aggravate joints.

1 butternut squash, peeled, cubed, steamed
1 yellow onion, diced and sautéed in oil until translucent
15 oz of beans
1 lb ground turkey, cooked separately
1 tbs turmeric
1 tbsp cumin
1 tsp salt (optional)
1 tsp ginger

Put the steamed squash and sautéed yellow onion into a food processor and mix until it has a sauce-like texture. You may want to add a small amount of water from the steamed squash. Combine sauce with cooked turkey, beans and spices. Simmer for 5 minutes and taste.

You can use any bean that suits you. It's best to soak your own beans over night, but a can will do nicely.

For a vegetarian option, just omit the turkey and add more beans. Try different types of beans.


Heather Tinnaro said...

no offense, my dear. i know what it is to deal with sensitivities, but some things just can't be made without certain ingredients. it is CALLED chili. you can't make it without them. your dish sounds delicious, but it isn't chili. forgive me for nitpicking.

Gina Seal said...

Haha! Heather, thanks for your comment. I find food a bit of a mind bend, and when struggling to go without so many things, it seems somehow comforting to *think* we are getting the foods we miss, in my house anyway.

Please, do tell, what would you call this dish?

christin b said...

Why not add more chili flavors?... then it will be white chili.
Like oregano, coriander, more cumin and cilantro. Top with avocado and you are there! =)

Gina Seal said...

Indeed Christin, why not? Your additions sound yummy.

Tara Brogan said...

Thank you! I have been struggling to find a way to get the nightshades out of my diet, all of my favorite things include tomatoes and peppers. I have pretty bad eczema and the only thing ive found that works to make it less annoying is cutting out the nightshades. I am excited to try this recipe AND id call it chili for those that love it and cant have it. ;) I mean, if you want, change teh way its spelled. lol people who dont eat meat still say things like Chik nuggets. It works for me!